Thursday, 26 May 2016


A regulatory body is governing body but it is not a membership organisation its primary objective is to protect the public from unlawful practises. Examples of Regulatory bodies in the film sector would be OFCOM and the BBFC.

Regulating bodies that look after my media sector (film) would be OFCOM and the BBFC, the effectiveness of BBFC would be questionable as recently in 2008 the rated 12A Batman film cause controversy when parents felt like the film should of being rated higher due to graphic scenes and extreme dialogue, however the BBFC have been doing a good job in most recent years with very few complaints about its ratings.

The biggest constraint my media sector faces would be censorship as this determines how big of an audience the film will get for example no one under eighteen is allowed to see an eighteen movie so the film will lose a large under eighteen viewership from seeing the film resulting in a loss of profit. That is why as a strategic decision film studios lower the age of the movie.

In the film ghost in the shell the casting choice of Scarlett Johansson has been accused of whitewashing the film as it is originally is a Japanese Japanese franchise. Fans have even gone so far to accuse the movie of using cgi to make Johansson look more asian. The movie studio paramount pictures would of used special effects to make Johansson's ethnicity more asian to pull in a higher revenue and appeal more to the hollywood market. The outcome of the fact is that people of the asian market are going to boycott the movie when it comes out to show their anger about whitewashing a popular Japanese franchise. 

Here is the career list in the film industry:
  • Director
  • Producer
  • St Designer
  • Director of Photography
  • Costume Designer
  • Prop Maker
  • Makeup Artist
  • Movie Editor
  • Composer
Most of the careers featured in this list interconnect with each other for example the make-up artist will confer with the Costume designer to achieve the perfect design then show the producer and the director to see if it is up to standards.

Most directors of photography work their way up from more junior roles, mostly those which involve camera work or design.  A Costume Designer Career Path would be to go a Fashion school rather than film school as it is the way forward for any costume designer, although someone with sufficient skill and talent can work their way up from low-level theatre study positions.

Job Link:

Wednesday, 23 March 2016

7.2 The Film sector

The Ethical and Legal Restraints In The Film Sector

The Representation of gender
The representation of gender in the film industry is poorly shown for women as only 30.8 per cent of speaking character are women. The average of number of men in a film with main roles outweigh women by 2.24:1. This is made worse when half of the movie tickets sold in the US are half.

The Representation of Religion

The representation of religion in film is as a whole generally very good with upholding this ethical constraint but some films disregard this and choose not to care for example a type of this can be seen in The Shawshank Redemption, where the prison warden mistreats prisoners, also hands out Bibles and reads aloud Biblical verses to the same prisoners he abuses. His Christianity is portrayed to be associated with his tyranny, he is also portrayed as a radical Christian.

The Race relations Act

"The Race Relations Act 1976, places a legal obligation to have due regard to the need to eliminate unlawful discrimination and to promote equality of opportunity and good relations between persons of different racial groups".

The Human Rights Act 1998

This incorporated the European Convention on Human Rights into British law. Articles 8 and 10 of the Convention are the ones most likely to impact on BBFC age rating decisions, article 10 deals with the right of freedom of expression and article 8 covers the right to respect for private and family life.The Act does permit restrictions on freedom of expression as are prescribed by domestic law.
Local authorities grant licences to the cinemas in their area. When a cinema applies for a licence it must include a rule requiring the admission of children is to a film to normally be restricted to  accordance with BBFC age ratings.


Copyright helps protect the creators and owners by preventing others from using their works without their permission. This extends to the screenplay, soundtrack. To claim ownership of the film, raise the necessary finance to make the film, and license distribution rights so it reaches the widest possible audience.

Case Study: In 2004, Examiners discussed whether the Act was relevant after seeing the film, The Passion of the Christ, which some audience members accused of being anti-Semitic however the BBFC's conclusion was that it was neither anti-Semitic nor indeed blasphemous. 

Wednesday, 24 February 2016

7.1 Structure and Ownership of the Media Sector

The different media sectors are;

  • Broadcast television
  • Radio
  • Film
  • Animation
  • Commercials
  • Corporate production
  • Interactive media
  • Music

The media sector that i have chosen to focus on is  Broadcast television as i feel there is more to explain and is a more interesting sector than the others as there are many different companies to look at for example BBC, Comcast, ITV and lots more other interesting companies.

An example of Public Ownership would be the BBC and is funded by the British Government through the TV licenses. An advantage of public ownership is that the programmes are catered towards the British Public and have a wider range of programming. The negative side of Public Ownership is if people do not buy a TV license then the BBC wont make any money at all.

An example of Private Ownership is ITV they are funded by advertisement and product placement only. Their main target audience would be anywhere from 15 - 50 as they have a broad range of programmes for example X factor to Good morning Britain. A disadvantage of private ownership is that they do not do extensive public research into if they will like a programme unlike the BBC do, this is a risk as the programme could be a failure and ITV lose a lot of money.

An example of an independent TV production company would be all3 media who publish shows like The Cube, Horrible Histories and undercover boss. All3 Media would be hired out by ITV for example and make a programme for them. If they show is popular than they will be asked to renew the series but if it is not then they wont so it is quite often a gamble.

Am example of a multinational production company would be Film4 Productions own by channel four television company. Film 4 productions are the main company responsible for backing many British films.

An example of a conglomerate would be Comcast as they own many different high end production companies for example movie production company;Universal Studios, TV Production; Universal television, broadcast television network; NBC, these are just a short example of many different companies that this conglomerate own. 

Vertical Integration: Vertical integration is when the production or distribution of a service are controlled by a single company  to increase that company’s control in the marketplace.
Horizontal integration:  Horizontal integration is a strategy to increase your market share by taking over a similar company normally a smaller sized company.
Cross-media diversificationcross-media diversification is the when a media company expands and branches out in to different areas of the media industry.
Merger:  A merger is when a company and another company in that industry merge together to make one company. 
Sources of Income: A source of income for a media production company would be a TV show they create and sell to ITV.
Product Diversity:  Product diversification is a plan to enter into a new market which the company is not currently involved with.
Profitability of Product Range: The ​amount of ​profit that a ​tv programme will make in a particular ​time of it being shown on air.
Performance Against Financial ConcernsFinancial concerns is the financial decrease in the economy e.g. times of low demand in a the media sector will lead to fewer tv programmes being produced or with a smaller budget.
Organisational Objectives: are short-term and medium-term goals that an organisation seeks to accomplish within a certain time period for example a media production company to produce two TV programmes.
Franchise: A franchise allows another person to sell the intellectual property of another, for example in the media sector this would be a production company allowing another company to produce its own version of the TV programme.
Competitors: A competitor to a production company would be another company trying to acquire the franchise rights over a TV programme first. 
Customers: The customer would be the TV audience who watch the programme and possible buy the box set.

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

questions for the interviewee

Why do you want the job?

What are your best skills?

Do you work well in a team?

Give me an example of when you worked well in a team?

Why should we hire you?

Where do you see yourself in five years time?

Why did you decided to leave your current job?

How long would it take you to get to the job?

Why should we hire you?

Do you have any questions?

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Documentary Planning

We had a very little budget to film this documentary as the equipment was already supplied to us by the college and transportation was free thanks to our oyster cards. Also the college has mac books for us to the editing so no need to buy any editing software.i chose copyright free music so i did not have to pay for any licensing fees.

To plan the time schedule for the documentary i wrote a timetable to say what days i had filming and what days i had to write the assessments and edit. this all went to key as i stuck to the timetable. If i had not of spent my time according to the timetable i would of been behind schedule and in turn be late.

I had to ask david if i can use his classroom to film a few different interviews. I did not need to ask any other people to film in the other locations as i shot in public open spaces. However i had to be quiet in the hallway as classes were going on.

I did not need any facilities as everything was provided by the college as i filmed here, also i had little budget to spend on facilities itself.

I chose the college to film as it was close to the people i had to interview and all the facilities were provided by the college. Another reason why i chose to film at the college was because there is a green screen in which i thought i could use, but in the end i decided not to use it as it would not look ascetically appealing.

As i did not use any stock video footage of smoking so i did not break any copyright laws, however i did use a picture which did have copyright so i had to ask for permission from the owner. The music that i chose was public domain from youtube so anybody could use it.

Clearances that i faced were that i had to ask people if they wanted to be filmed for the documentary and be asked a few question. Also i asked people in the background of the shot as one of the deleted interviews was in the smoking shelter in the college, nobody minded so i filmed an interview.

Codes of practise
I did not break any codes of practise in my documentary as i did not have any sexual or violent content in the documentary. I asked some of my peers that had watched the documentary and none of them say that it was offensive, otherwise i would have wanted to re film it.

(Risk Assessment in word document)

Production Diary

2nd December - Filming James in the seated area in the courtyard

3rd December - Filming Patrick in David's classroom

9th December - Filming David in his classroom

10th December - Filming Shaun in the sports corridor

16th December - Filmed at the smoking shelter in Coulsdon college

17th December - Filmed another take of James as i did not like the first one

6th - Edited and completed task 4

7th - Edited and completed task 5

Thursday, 14 January 2016


Client Feedback
Client feedback liked the use of camera and lighting as i had chosen open lit areas with little noise from the environment however the client said i could have interview people from different areas as it might just give one opinion on the situation maybe people from the country.

Peer Feedback
Peer Feedback that i received was that some of the cuts were a bit too fast and that it took the emersion away from the documentary. Also i was told that i could of put title cards of the person's name whilst i was interviewed them, i might go back and change them in Imovie. James said i should have had women in the documentary as i only interview men, this would of given me a wider demographic rather than one opinion.

Audience Feedback
Audience Feedback was that i should of put more photos or videos of people smoking to add more depth into the documentary and to get my point across and to pad out the documentary. More feedback suggested that i should i used a wider age demographic rather than just teenagers as they might have a biased view all being the same age.

Constraints that i experienced whilst filming where that we could not film outside on the 16th of December as there was a heavy down pour and would of damaged the equipment that was used the only solution to get around this was to film the outside interviews another day when the rain had passed. However next week the weather was too dull and would of not looked great in my eyes so i decided to scrap that scene and film inside. On the 6th of January whilst out filming the camera's battery died and so we had to come back to college, next time filming i made sure that the battery was fully charged.

Management of the Production
I had a Production diary of my filming so i followed that and knew when i had to film and when i had to edit. I had asked the interviewees the previous day by text when they were free and if i could record them or not this saved time looking for them and asking them on the day.