Wednesday, 25 November 2015

key assissment task

Title: The Hidden Truth Of Smoking

Short summary of your film: The film would mainly focus on  people dropping their cigarettes on the street and  interviewing them  also the film would  tell  the audience facts about  how many cigarettes are dropped in the floor and information like that.

Length: Would only be a short film about 10 minutes so captures the audiences attention without boring them and adding boring facts into the film.

Film Completion date: As the film is only ten minutes long it would not require a lot of filming especially with the amount of people dropping cigarettes on the street.

Location: Filming location is nowhere special, Croydon because it is local to the people who would see this film.We would not need to film in Croydon as it is a public space however we would need permission to film the interviewees.

Production team: Would be me to ask the people the questions and present the film, i would need a camera man to film so i would ask my friend James. I would not need anything else.

Key messages: the key message i want to get across in this film is to tell smokers to not drop their cigarettes on the floor but to put it in a bin like everybody else does with their rubbish.

Purpose: i would intend to use this film for educational purposes to inform people about dropping their cigarettes on the street. i would play this film in workplaces and colleges.

Target audience: the target audience for my film would be smokers as well as not smokers because i want to inform everybody not just a specific group of people and limit the number of people i educate.

Music: In post production i will add in non copyrighted music supplied by the software that i will be using. The music that i want would be something relaxing but to go dramatic when i am telling the facts to drive home the point.

Archive: I do not want to use any archive footage as i want to make an original film.

Other notes: The film shall be filmed on a Saturday to capture the most amount of people

Wednesday, 18 November 2015


I was walking through Croydon high street and was looking down at the ground and saw lots of discarded cigarettes on the street and thought it was disgusting and had to make a change about it and decided to research and publish a social action documentary. 
I found an article in the Croydon Advertiser about a woman being fined £420 for dropping a cigarette in the town centre. So far the council have collected  £4,766 from people dropping there cigarettes on the floor.
From the questionnaire i found out that only fifty percent of the people that answered the questionnaire cared that smokers dropped their cigarette butt on the floor. Only twenty five percent wanted smokers to be fined for littering, however most of the people that answered the questionnaire were smokers themselves. 

I found an article online where this woman was holding an online petition to increase the minimum  fine for dropping a cigarette butt on the street. This is because she lost her husband to smoking and want increase the fine to get people to stop smoking. This made me feel that i had to help out as well and to help make a change that is why i really wanted to do a public action documentary. 

Ethical Considerations that i thought and will carry out is that i will not focus on one type of person and make it everybody's problem. To not cause any of the actors involved harm i will get them to smoke via a shisa pipe.

For my production proposal i was thinking of doing a time lapse of croydon high street to see how many people i see dropping their cigarette butts onto the floor, in addition i would speed up the footage and limit my self to one hour afterwards i would tally it up to see how many people littered.

Thursday, 12 November 2015

Assignment Task 2

a contract is a document that you are made to sign to make everything official with the law or agreement for example when money is involved and there is no or little trust between the parties. However if one party breaks the contract, you could face legal action.

This is an example of what a contract looks like 


Is up to the employee to discuss what they want and when to do it in the contract. The client may want to negotiate a better deal to suit their lifestyle e.g when they go to bed.


Formal is when a written document is involved which goes over the service that an employee is contracted to do,The contract will be written in a formal language to look more professional and will not be written in slang. On the document it may include the clients logo to make things look more official.


Informal means that it does not have to be written so the contact could all be verbal, Informal contracts often occur when little money is involved and writing a formal document would be too time consuming, An informal contract will mostly be found between long partnerships as they already have a relationship with one another.


Commission Will only occur when the company and the client know each other and have a mutual bond and long partnership, also when the company knows that they want you to complete the job that they have set out for you to do.


When a promotional competition is available to the public, the winner would typically get the other companies products at a slightly cheaper value or the contractual job. The winners will be the only one who gets rewarded

Tender is similar to the competition brief but will allow a company to do a pitch. however not like competition when there is only one winner many different companies are competing for the same job.

Co-operative Brief

When two or more companies work together to complete a job, this could be for different reasons to make the job be done quicker or one company does not have the resources available so it needs another company to help out. 

Reading a Brief
When reading a brief make sure to pay attention to the final date to make sure you will have enough time to finish the job, the time scale, to plan your work effectively and what is required, as your company may not have the resources to complete the job properly and to the highest standard of what they would like to be.

Negotiating The Brief

All briefs are negotiable to a certain extent for example you can ask to extend the deadline but not months as this would be unreasonable, also you should ensure you read the brief properly so you can negotiate the finer specifications in detail to maybe ask for more money or to ask for more people in your work force.

Opportunities that you have learnt from the job and could add to your CV:

  • New skills that you have not learnt yet
  • Self development 
  • Multi skilling 
  • Gain contacts to do more jobs in the future or to go work for in the future as well
  • Experience to add to your CV and your own knowledge 
  • Travel to new places from your brief and learn about their culture 

Thursday, 22 October 2015

31.1 Understand the purpose and impact of social action and community media production work

The reason why there are social action and community media productions are to raise the awareness of an everyday person at that current time. This will increase the person's knowledge about the situation and will hopefully want to do something to help and help stop change the abusive situation. Social action and community media productions could be about:

  • Politics
  • Current Affairs
  • Racism  
  • Crime in the local area
  • Drug abuse 

social action and community media productions will show you the terrible effects of what is happening to try and pull on your heartstrings to make an impact on your life and make you really think about what is going on and hopefully make you want to tell other people about it to try and get them to make a difference.

At this current time is a great time to do a social action and community media productions video is because technology is booming and more social then ever, this is as it will have a bigger impact and will be seen by a larger audience and will have a following and a fan base who want to make a change.

Example 1: CDC tips former smokers terries as (tips for stop smoking)

An example that i have chosen to do is CDC tips former smokers terries as (tips for stop smoking). This is a social action media advert to try and help you to stop smoking. to do this they scare you into it by having a scary real life story about the negative effects of smoking. the message they are telling you is do not smoke as this could happen and be you if you start smoking or continue to do so.This is a successful social action media as it persuades you to not smoke which is a good thing.

Example 2: British Heart Foundation - I hate heart disease

The second example i have chosen is British Heart Foundation - I hate heart disease advert, This advert is informative and hits with a hard punch as it informs you with the facts about heart disease. This advert uses a fear factor as the advert tells you facts that not only could it happen to you but the fit, young, old so anybody could get affect by heart disease. This social action media advert is successful as it informs you about heart disease and will hopefully impact you and make you want to help out and make a change.

Sunday, 4 October 2015

FGM petition

The guardians fgm petition i think is not very good however on the other hand  it gives you a behind the scenes look of the petition and what happened for instance the meeting with Michael Gove and what the team wanted from their campaign. The video is not very good on informing the public about fgm as there are no facts and figures on how many people in Briton this affects or anything like that.

My personal response to the documentary is that fgm is a terrible thing and i knew little about it, so this documentary has helped me understand it and i tell other people about it.

Wednesday, 30 September 2015


1) Do you smoke?

2) Do you mind it when others smoke?

3) Do you drop your cigarette on the street?

4) Do you mind when others drop cigarettes on the street?

5) Do you social smoke?

6) Should they be charged if they drop their cigarette on the street?
                 |_______ 7) Why?

8)  Do you litter on the street?

9) How old are you?

10-20    21-30     31- 40    41-50     51-60

10) What gender are you?

           Male           Female

Wednesday, 23 September 2015


Woman fined £420 for dropping cigarette butt as council names and shames litterbugs and fly-tippers

The fines were handed out at Croydon Magistrates' Court last Wednesday, September 2

THE Council has named and shamed 17 people fined for fly-tipping, littering and urinating in the street, including one woman ordered to pay £420 for dropping a cigarette butt.
They were ordered to pay a combined total of £4,766 in fines and costs at Croydon Magistrates' Court last Wednesday, September 2.
Among the offenders was 27-year-old Gia Nguyen, of Russell Hill Road, Purley, who was ordered to pay £270 for urinating in North End on March 26.
Natalie McDermoth, 24, of Beulah Road Thornton Heath was told to pay £420 for dropping her cigarette butt in the town centre on April 18.
The largest fine handed out was for 45-year-old Pauline Fraser, of Central Parade in New Addington, was ordered to pay a total of £720 for dumping household waste in her own street on April 4 and again on May 3.

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Blink 182 Documentary (Rockumentary)

I found a documentary about a young university student filming the skate punk band Blink 182, showing the public what is like to be a film maker working around famous musicians and how life changing it is to be on tour for months on end filming the people around you.

Mike Millette has been set the task of filming a behind the scenes look of what goes into making a Blink 182 gig as well as showing his experiences on the road for two months. this is what information Mike found out:

  • Crew count:80
  • Number of truck (for equipment): 9
  • Time to set up each venue: 6 hours
  • Time to tear down the venue: 2 hours
  • Length of show: 90 minutes 

When interviewing the different crew members about their jobs i thought Mike was very professional in the way he went and did it for instance i thought he made the interviewee very comfortable and they did not seem nervous. Also the questions Mike asked were not one word answers and required thought.

 Overall i thought this was a good documentary as the interviews were to the point and direct. Furthermore i thought the different types of shots that were done were very artistic and varied as well.