I found an article in the Croydon Advertiser about a woman being fined £420 for dropping a cigarette in the town centre. So far the council have collected £4,766 from people dropping there cigarettes on the floor.
From the questionnaire i found out that only fifty percent of the people that answered the questionnaire cared that smokers dropped their cigarette butt on the floor. Only twenty five percent wanted smokers to be fined for littering, however most of the people that answered the questionnaire were smokers themselves.
I found an article online where this woman was holding an online petition to increase the minimum fine for dropping a cigarette butt on the street. This is because she lost her husband to smoking and want increase the fine to get people to stop smoking. This made me feel that i had to help out as well and to help make a change that is why i really wanted to do a public action documentary.
Ethical Considerations that i thought and will carry out is that i will not focus on one type of person and make it everybody's problem. To not cause any of the actors involved harm i will get them to smoke via a shisa pipe.
For my production proposal i was thinking of doing a time lapse of croydon high street to see how many people i see dropping their cigarette butts onto the floor, in addition i would speed up the footage and limit my self to one hour afterwards i would tally it up to see how many people littered.
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